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Library Loot: May 20-26, 2009

May 20, 2009

library-lootLibrary Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by myself and Alessandra that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate, just write up your post-feel free to steal the button-and link it using the Mr. Linky any time during the week. And of course check out what other participants are getting from their libraries!

ETA: Woo hoo! Mr. Linky’s back! So please leave your links there vs. in the comments. I’ll be adding links from the comments to Mr. Linky for those who posted while it was down.

Here’s what I got in the past two weeks…if you can’t/don’t want to watch the vlog, just scroll down to the non-video version. :) I didn’t realise YouTube had a 10 minute limit, and I didn’t really feel like re-recording everything because I hit 11 minutes, so I divided the video into two parts, lol.
Part One:

And Part Two:

As always, feel free to give me feedback on how to improve things! The lighting was awful today, because of the weather outside, but I think my poor webcam just isn’t very good at lighting situations. *sigh*

Brunelleschi’s Dome by Ross King (for the Art History Challenge), A Venetian Affair by Andrea di Robilant (because it sounded interesting!),
Spoken Here by Mark Abley
(for the Dewey Decimal Challenge)

Life Along the Silk Road by Susan Whitfield (for the World Citizen Challenge), Gifted by Nikita Lalwani (for the Dewey’s Books Challenge),
Children of the Night ed. by Gloria Naylor (for the 100 Shots of Short Challenge)

Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice to all Creation by Olivia Judson (for the Science Book challenge), The Arabian Nights: a Companion by Robert Irwin (because I’m planning on reading Arabian Nights),
Swish by Joel Derfner (because it sounds awesome!)

The Talisman Ring by Georgette Heyer (for fun), Creating Your Best Life by Caroline Adams (I have no idea… I think because it’s all about lists and I love lists),
The Fox Woman by Kij Johnson (for the Once Upon a Time Challenge)

The Whale Rider by Witi Tame Ihimaera (for the Orbis Terrarum Challenge), Sleepwalking Land by Mia Couto (for the Lost in Translation Challenge),
Nightwatch by Sergei Lukyanenko (for the Once Upon a Time Challenge)

Barchester Towers by Anthony Trollope (for the Classics Challenge), Tom’s Midnight Garden by Phillipa Pearce (for the Once Upon a Time Challenge),
Aya by Marguerite Abouet (for the Graphic Novels Challenge)

The Pirate’s Daughter by Margaret Cezair-Thompson (for the Caribbean Challenge)

Want to play along?

36 Comments leave one →
  1. May 20, 2009 8:16 am

    Have a great day! I actually went to the library yesterday for the first time in months and picked up three books – two British crime fiction and Jack Kerouac: On the Road. Heard so much about that book and thought I would read it now :)

  2. May 20, 2009 7:41 pm

    Looking forward to seeing your loot!

  3. May 21, 2009 9:53 am

    I have cut myself off from the library, so I haven’t been participating in Library Loot lately. But I would like to say that I love your blog, and I have nominated you for a Lemonade award!! Please see my blog for details!

  4. May 21, 2009 1:09 pm

    I read and reviewed Swish this year… it was definitely fun and very interesting! I have The Fox Woman, too! Going to read it up next!

  5. fleurfisher permalink
    May 21, 2009 2:03 pm

    Great books, as ever. I have Brunelleschi’s Dome for the same challenge but I haven’t had a chance to get to it yet. Too busy with library books!

  6. May 21, 2009 3:30 pm

    Louise, I’ve heard a lot about Kerouac too! I hope you enjoy him. :)

    Bybee, I went a bit crazy this time!

    Jessica, I can’t imagine cutting myself off from the library!!!

    Daphne, you and I have been reading a lot of the same books this year: fun! :)

    FleurFisher, I’ve read so many more library books that books I own! lol

  7. May 21, 2009 3:37 pm

    I love your loot! I’ve been wanting to pick up Whale Rider for a while now and keep forgetting to. I love the covers for Gifted and Spoken Here. Happy reading.

  8. May 21, 2009 3:38 pm

    Eva, something happened to Mr. Linky.

  9. May 21, 2009 5:19 pm

    I read about Aya on Claire’s blog, too, and put a hold on it. Love your vlogs!

  10. thebrainlair permalink
    May 21, 2009 5:43 pm

    Wow! How many books do you read a week?

    Here’s my loot – The Brainlair

  11. May 21, 2009 6:20 pm

    Eva, you always find such interesting books at the library. Do you request them or go and browse for awhile? BTW- I don’t think Mr. Linky is working but it might just be me :)

  12. May 21, 2009 6:22 pm

    Awesome! Hubby’s waiting on Nightwatch from the library. He’s seen the movies but never read the books. I’m going to have to add Swish to my tbr pile!

  13. May 21, 2009 6:33 pm

    Love your vlogs. I just went on a buying spree via the ‘net a couple of days ago. Can’t wait until I get them :)

  14. May 21, 2009 9:36 pm

    We have Children of The Night. Haven’t read it yet. Read about The Fox Woman at Nymeth’s and I’m interested. I wish I could read as much as quickly as you do. ((sigh))

  15. May 21, 2009 11:07 pm

    Well that was one of the most fun nearly 12 minutes I’ve had all day :) I just love seeing your videos…you should have a book talk show :)

    Whale Rider the movie is one of my favorites! I didn’t know it was based on a book! How did I miss that? I just love Maori culture. Have you read The Bone People yet? It’s a Maori book as well and it’s one of my favorite novels. It’s about a young mute boy and a cranky lady who lives in a lighthouse (I think she lives in a lighthouse) who doesn’t want to get close to anyone and it’s just absolutely amazing! It’s by Keri Hulme…highly recommend it!

    And the blue bugs having sex books reminded me to add another book onto my wishlist that I’ve been wanting to read! It’s called Green Porno and it’s by Isabella Rosselini! How cool is that? It’s about the sex lives of animals and apparently she’s done short films where she is the sole actress to accompany the book! It’s being released as a DVD/book combo in September.

  16. May 22, 2009 12:28 am

    I have brunellesci’s dome on my TBR…someone thoughtfully bookcrossed it to me when I first got to Korea. Pablo read it and liked it, but I’ve never gotten to it.
    Aya looks good.

  17. May 22, 2009 5:40 am

    You’ve got a ton of really good books there! My library loot post is up now too:

  18. May 22, 2009 6:05 am

    Wow and I thought I had a lot of books! LOL I wish I could see your vlog, I’ll try to remember to watch it when I get home.

    I have had Brunelleschi’s Dome by Ross King for YEARS and I still haven’t read it. I really need to. It looks so good. I got The Pirate’s Daughter by Margaret Cezair-Thompson a couple years ago for Christmas and yes, I still haven’t read that either. I wish I could read just a *little* bit faster!!

    My library loot is up here:

    Library Loot, May 20-26, 2009

  19. May 22, 2009 12:41 pm

    Here’s my loot:

    Library Loot

  20. May 22, 2009 1:18 pm

    I’m reading Barchester Towers and Talisman Ring right now :)

  21. May 22, 2009 3:38 pm

    Whale Rider was such a good film, I could be easily tempted to search out a copy of the book!

    I also enjoyed Night Watch a lot when I read it a little while back, but (while I don’t know any Russian to compare it with) the translation felt a bit stilted at times for me to want to pick up the rest of the series.

  22. May 22, 2009 4:08 pm

    Here’s mine.

  23. May 22, 2009 5:58 pm

    What a fantastic variety of books you’ve got this week! I’ve posted mine here:

  24. May 22, 2009 8:29 pm

    Here’s my loot.

    Library Loot – May 20-26, 2009

  25. May 23, 2009 5:07 am

    I’m seconding Chris’ recommendation of The Bone People, a fantastic read – i lent my copy out and never saw it again grrrr!

    I’m reading The Night Watch at the mo, I’m only 6 chapters in so far as my week has been hectic but now I’m on holidays from school I’ll be tackling it this week. Its great so far but I’m not sure about the comparison to J.K Rowlings, far to gritty.
    I’m off to the library tomorrow to pick up my holds, I’ve reserved Aya hopefully it’ll arrive this week
    Have a good week

  26. scoutlee permalink
    May 23, 2009 7:19 am

    Here’s my loot for this week:

  27. Renata permalink
    May 23, 2009 5:55 pm

    Love your library loot. Its one of my favorite things this year :) This is my first time commenting on your blog…
    1) Whale Rider is a movie as well…it is quite touching and does provide a positive outlook of the native culture.
    2) Since you love lists so much I think you have to check out the Secret Society of List Addicts:-
    I think you would probably even have content to contribute

  28. May 24, 2009 5:47 am

    Okay Miss Eva…I really didn’t need to add 600 books to my wish list this morning…

  29. May 24, 2009 1:38 pm

    Vasilly, thanks! Whale Rider’s really small, so it should be a fast read. :)

    JoAnn, thanks! And I love that we’re having a little Aya gest, lol.

    Brainlair, I’m sorry: your link isn’t working. Can you try putting it in Mr. Linky? I read a lot of books each week, because I’m home sick.

    Samantha, usually I request them based on the reading lists I have for all of the different challenges I joined! But sometimes I just browse. :)

    Linda, I didn’t know there were movies!

    Christina, buying sprees are fun too. :D

    Susan, so far Children of the Night is great.

    Chris, you’re too sweet! :) I haven’t read The Bone People; it’s on my list, but I was nervous it would be too depressing. Now I’ll bump it up. I’ve never heard of a joint book/dvd combo: how interesting!

    Bybee, I’ll read Brunelleschi’s Dome for you and let you know if it’s any good. ;)

    Devourer of Books, thanks!

    Heather, lol: I’m a total glutton at the library. ;) And I’ve found books I actually own always get pushed aside in favour of books from the library!

    Becky, that’s a fun coincidence!

    Bart, I haven’t seen the movie! That’s too bad about Night Watch’s translation. I might try to look up the Russian online.

    Katrina, don’t you hate it when that happens?! I’ve never heard Nightwatch compared to J.K. Rowling: it does seem like it’d be a weird one.

    Renata, thanks for commenting! And for the list addicts blog: I could spend waaaay too much time there. :p Do you have a blog as well?

    Debi, hehe: that’s what I’m here for! ;)

  30. May 25, 2009 7:25 am

    Dr. Tatiana’s…. is fantastic, and the number-one biology book I recommend to non-scientists. I’m glad you’re enjoying it!

  31. Carol permalink
    May 26, 2009 9:27 am

    What a great list. Mine’s up, too, but I don’t see the linky thing, so it’s here.

    Mailbox Monday and Library Loot

  32. May 28, 2009 3:53 pm

    Eva, I’m super excited to see what you think of Life Along the Silk Road because I’ve been considering reading it for your challenge. You MUST post a review as soon as you finish reading it! ;)


  1. Library Loot: May 20 – May 26, 2009 « Related Reading
  2. My Library Loot’s Up! « A Striped Armchair

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