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Sunday Salon: the Snowglobe Post

November 15, 2009

The Sunday Salon.comI’m writing this in my bedroom, and I can look out the window and admire all of the pretty snow, which has made the evergreen tree out there beautiful. The sky’s solid white, like it always is with snow, and I feel like I’m in a snowglobe! I missed last Sunday’s salon, and I’ve been reading like crazy this month, but I didn’t want to talk about 23 books in one post. So I’ve divided up the books by theme, and whichever ones didn’t fall into any of the themes are the ones I’m talking about today! That’s twelve books! You might notice there isn’t as much nonfiction as usual: that’s because I barely had any out from the library. That’s been corrected now, and I’m wallowing in nonfic as much as fic. ;)

ADarkDividingFirst, I read A Dark Dividing by Sarah Rayne. I had gotten this from the library, because Litlove did a marvelous review of another book of hers. Isn’t the cover of this creepy? And it deals with twins, and ghosts, and Victorians, and crazy women; the book definitely lives up to the cover. I really loved this one, although I think the ending wasn’t quite as good as most of the rest of the book (I think I expected a bigger, more dramatic plot climax-it was still really, really good). Anyway, the characters all felt so real, and the plots were quite fun (the twists were pretty transparent, but I don’t think that was the point, you know?), and the writing was marvelous. Also, many of the characters were readers, and so I loved having those little moments (reaching for comfort book in time of crisis, etc.) in the book. There are four main narrators, each telling their story in a different time (from Victorian England to just 20 years ago to 10 years ago to present), and that could have gotten complicated, but Rayne maintained each of their voices throughout, so I always knew when I was. All in all, if you love ghosts, and you love being a bit creeped out, definitely read this one. I just wish my library had more of Rayne’s books-I want to read them all now!

QueenofSorceryNext up was a reread: Queen of Sorcery by David Eddings, the second in the Belgariad series. As I mentioned when reviewing the first one, I adored Eddings in high school, especially this series, and was reluctant to reread them in case they didn’t stand up. I don’t think Queen of Sorcery is quite as good as Pawn of Prophecy-it suffers from the ‘middle of the series’ syndrome. It’s difficult for me to talk about it more than that without giving away much of Pawn of Prophecy, rather like reviewing The Subtle Knife or The Two Towers on their own. So I won’t say much. But I still really enjoyed spending more time with these characters, and I’ll definitely be rereading the other three this year.

RestlessSleepThen a nonfiction selection: The Restless Sleep by Stacy Horn, which I read for Citizen Reader’s upcoming True Crime Book Menage. Now, true crime is one of my least favourite nonfiction genres, so keep that in mind. But this is the second book I’ve read by Horn (the other was Unbelievable, about the Duke parapsychology lab), and I just don’t think her writing works for me. It’s not bad, but both of these were simple average reads in my book. Part of the problem is Horn has a kind of ‘can’t see the forest for the trees’ syndrome. Her books include a lot of information, but instead of all of this information being organised into a cohesive whole, it’s as if Horn doesn’t have many bigger themes to short the information into. In Restless Sleep, I was often confused-it jumps back and forth between time periods and crimes and detectives, and while of course I’m intelligent enough to figure out what she’s talking about within a couple of paragraphs, it detracted from the reading experience. And, at the end of this book, I was left wondering why she had bothered writing it. The introduction was marvelous, about why Horn thought murder was evil. But after that, she seemed so determined to keep herself out of the book, that there was no spark. And there’s a lot of talk about the political machinations of the NYC Cold Case Squad, which could have been interesting if Horn had told me why I should care. But she didn’t. And she included a couple crimes for only a paragraph or so, that were incredibly upsetting and had me sobbing, but didn’t follow up on them, which felt odd. So, if you like true crime, you might want to give this a go. But I wouldn’t say it’s a must-read. I could feel a marvelous potential book while I was reading, but Horn didn’t shape it enough for my tastes.

NorthandSouthWhen I finally picked up North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell, I was incredibly excited. I watched the miniseries for the first time earlier this year (I think in April?), and it’s become my favourite BBC costume drama-I think I’ve watched it at least 5 times already. Unfortunately, that meant it was impossible for me to read the book without comparing it to the adaptation, and I think much of the time the adaptation won out. Usually, I prefer books to films, because I’m inside the character’s head, and there’s just so much more emotional immediacy. And in North and South you do spend time in Mr. Thornton’s head as well as Margaret Hale’s. But I didn’t particularly like being inside their thoughts, because they were a lot more judgmental-meaner, I would say, than the adaptation. In fact, most of the characters had more bad traits than good ones; while I smiled at the ending, I wasn’t emotionally involved in the book to even half the extent I was in the adaptation. This shocked me-I’ve read Cranford by Gaskell and loved it (and I just saw that adaptation last night-while it was marvelous, I don’t think it was better than the book), but in North and South the characters all just feel petty and problematic. Of course, I have no idea what I would have thought of the book if I hadn’t already seen the miniseries, so if you want to both watch and read North and South, I’d recommend trying the book first. The story itself, the plot, is still marvelous, and I don’t think the book was awful. But it wasn’t wonderful, and I’m not going to recommend it to everyone like I did Cranford. I’m glad I read it this once, but from now on I’ll stick to the adaptation whenever I want to visit Milton. (I’m listening to another Gaskell, Ruth, right now for the Classics Circuit and really enjoying it, so I suspect this is the BBC’s fault.)

WhereWeOnceBelongedThe next book is difficult to classify…I suppose I’d call it something like auobiographical fiction. Where We Once Belonged by Sia Figiel is centered around a Samoan girl and her coming-of-age. But it’s not a novel, or novella, or short story collection. The plot isn’t super important, and while there are characters, they come and go a bit unpredictably. Really, this book is about place and culture, a culture that’s changing in the face of Western influence. But it’s not just a political book…yes, there’s a political consciousness to it, but the stories of the people on the island are what matter. I’m not talking about this very well. Anyway, I loved this. I got it because I was like ‘Samoa! I don’t know much at all about that! Let’s read an author from a new country!’ and it fulfilled that goal wonderfully. I felt like I was living in the village with Alofa, and I celebrated her triumphs and wanted to comfort her in her defeats. Figiel has a wonderful writing style-it’s descriptive and impressionistic, never heavy-handed. This is literary fiction of the best kind-it draws you into a new world and keeps you there until the book ends. I highly recommend it.

ViragoBookofGhostStoriesAfter that, I finally finished the Virago Book of Ghost Stories ed. by Richard Dalby, which I’d been drawing out over several weeks. I haven’t been as good at reviewing the stories as I would have liked to be, but I really loved this collection. It didn’t ever really creep me out…it’s dedicated to a quieter, classic style of ghost story. While each of the stories, and authors, had a different style of course, the volume felt really cohesive-I think if you enjoy a few of the stories included (which I linked to free copies in this post), you’ll enjoy them all. The kind of anthology that invites you to enjoy a story or two with your morning cup of tea, and that leaves a bit of a hole when you’ve finished them all. I highly recommend it to those who enjoy this genre (see the post I linked to earlier to find out more).

UnnaturalDeathSpeaking of comfort reads, when I’m sick, I love turning to a good mystery. And Unnatural Death by Dorothy Sayers, featuring one of my favourite sleuths, is that. I’ve read almost all of the Wimsey and Vane books now (as I mentioned yesterday, with my favourite authors, I like to leave a few books unread, just so that I know that they’re there when I need them)-the only two I have left are Busman’s Honeymoon and Five Red Herrings. Anyway, Unnatural Death has Peter but no Harriet, and while it wasn’t one of my favourites, I still enjoyed it. Wimsey hears about a cold case at his club one night, and sets out to prove that an old lady’s death was in fact murder. This doesn’t have much of a classic ‘whodunnit’ feel, in that the primary suspect emerges quite quickly and stays in that place throughout the book. It’s more of a ‘howdunnit,’ if that makes sense. Peter is always amusing, and while Harriet isn’t there, Miss Climpson is. She’s quite fun, a middle-aged spinster who works Miss Marple-style as Peter’s ‘intelligence agent,’ so I was delighted to see her again. If you’re a fan of the Wimsey books, I’m sure you’ll read this one eventually, but it’s not one I’d recommend to those who are new to the series (for you, I’d recommend Murder Must Advertise and/or Strong Poison as places to begin).

StillLifeI turned to yet another mystery, this one as part of the Canadian Challenge: Still Life by Louise Penny. And here I’m going to admit something that makes me sad, since some of my very favourite bloggers love Penny: I didn’t like this book. Penny, in my opinion, overwrote it. I remember reading somewhere that the magic of reading is in the interaction between the reader and the author, how the reader brings life to the ‘white spaces’ of the page. With Still Life, there weren’t any white spaces. Penny was constantly telling me exactly why a character did something (like make a facial expression), exactly what they were thinking, all of their motivation, etc. My favourite authors are those who trust the readers to fill in the blanks on their own; that never happens here. I suppose the plot itself was pretty good, but many of the characters felt almost too quirky and original, if that makes sense. But really, for me to boiled down to Penny giving way too much information and detail about what everyone was doing; she switches point of view a lot to accomplish that, and I’ve noticed I strongly prefer mysteries all told from one, maybe two, viewpoints. So I’m sure it’s a personal thing. Please don’t hate me, all you Canadian bloggers! ;)

TheLadytheCheftheCourtesanSince I’m being negative, I might as well just come out and say that the next book I read, The Lady, the Chef, and the Courtesan by Marisol is probably the worst one I’ve read all year. Usually, I would have stopped reading after about twenty pages, but it’s set in Venezuela (where the author’s from), and I wanted to learn more about the country, so I told myself it might get better. Um, no. It just kept getting worse and worse. It’s like every stereotype of Latin American literature rolled into one. I’m going to stop talking about it now, because I don’t like being mean about books, but I would advice everyone to steer well away from this.

HerFearfulSymmetryThen Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger arrived from the library, so I wanted to read it quickly so I could return it and let others read it (does anyone else feel obligated to read books with a long queue faster?). I know this book has been reviewed to death, so I’ll keep my thoughts short. I loved The Time Traveller’s Wife. I didn’t love this one. I thought the first half was pretty entertaining, atmospheric and all that. But in the second half, I started to become more and more skeptical of the characters’s motivations, and by the end I didn’t feel Niffenegger had justified the decision that the whole book hangs on at all. The characters in this one didn’t live and breathe for me the way the ones in The Time Traveller’s Wife did. So while the writing was still wonderful, the book felt kind of ‘meh.’ I thought the final ending was quite cute, though-there is that. I wouldn’t not recommend this one, but I won’t be pressing it urgently into friends’ hands either.

ASecretforJuliaFortunately, the last two books really impressed me! A Secret for Julia by Patricia Sagastizabal is about an Argentinian woman who was part of the resistance, and escaped Argentina and settled in England as a political refugee. It’s narrated in first person, and Sagastizabal perfectly captures the voice and thoughts of a woman obviously suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. It’s kind of like Speak or Wintergirls, but about a grown woman instead. We see as she starts to rebuild her life from the ground up, and since her love is philosophy, the way she describes her story reflects that. It’s told in flashbacks, that aren’t quite chronological, but they work. The pulse of the story is her relationship with her daughter, Julia, but I won’t say more than that. This book really, really impressed me, although of course at times it was difficult to read. Sagastizabal’s writing, her ability to create such a genuine character, is wonderful, and I only wish she had other books for me to read.

TheGirlWhoPlayedGoAnd finally, I finished The Girl Who Played Go by Shan Sa before I went to sleep last night. This was one of my books for the China Challenge, and I really loved it. It’s a small book-300 pages, but the hardcover dimensions are maybe two-thirds that of an ordinary hardcover. Plus, each chapter is only 2-5 pages, so there’s quite a bit of blank space; it’s a quick read. The novel is set in Manchuria, during the Japanese invasion of 1931. There are two main characters, who each tell their stories in first person, via alternating chapters. One is a 16-year-old Manchurian girl, who is skilled at playing Go. The other is a young Japanese soldier. I’m not going to tell you more than that, but I really loved this. The stories were intriguing, the two characters made me feel like I was inside their heads, and there’s the delicate, fluid writing style I’ve noticed in many of the East Asian authors I’ve read. If you enjoy books set in China, or if you’d like to read a Chinese author but aren’t sure where to start, I think Shan Sa would be a wonderful choice. She’s written several books in French (she was born in Bejing but moved to Paris when she was 18), but her only other translated-into-English novel is Empress. You can bet I’ll be reading it!

And there you go! As you see, when I start feeling sick, I tend to ignore challenges completely, and just read books the whim takes me. ;) When you’re sick, what kind of books do you turn to?

39 Comments leave one →
  1. November 15, 2009 12:21 pm

    The Belgariad is my security blanket re-read series. I can go through those 5 books in a weekend when I need to. It’s just so much fun!

    Snow! Wow, it’s currently 11°C (51°F) here and I am considering opening the windows! Though it is raining.

  2. November 15, 2009 12:33 pm

    Add another person who reads The Belgariad when sick. I also like J. D. Robbs “In Death” series. Easy funny reads.

    I agree with you that Queen of Sorcery suffers from middle of the series syndrome (love that phrase by the way). It just drags.

  3. November 15, 2009 1:01 pm

    Snow!?!? It’s in the high 70’s here. The reviews for Her Fearful Symmetry are all over the place, so I still haven’t decided if I want to read it or not.

  4. November 15, 2009 1:01 pm

    A Dark Dividing definitely takes the prize as one of the creepiest covers of all time.

    When I’m sick, I tend to go for YAL SFF type books. Then again, that’s the type I go for when I’m bored or lazy too.

  5. November 15, 2009 1:12 pm

    The Belgariad is one of my all-time favourites – cosy comforting re-read gold :)

  6. November 15, 2009 2:01 pm

    Good luck with Ruth. I thought it sounded fascinating last year, so I got the Librivox audio version. The reader read it as if we were all 5 years old, like we were in kindergarten, and after 3 months I’d only made it through 12 chapters. I gave it up. I could not stand to listen to that narrator one more time. She made the story boring, and i could tell it wasn’t supposed to be.

  7. November 15, 2009 2:02 pm

    And by “not supposed to be” I mean that it wouldn’t have been boring to me normally.

  8. historyofshe permalink
    November 15, 2009 2:05 pm

    I feel the same way about returning books with long waiting lists. I always put those books at the front of my list while the others wallow in waiting for me.

    I’ve heard a lot of ‘meh’ reviews about HFS. It just seems like one of those books to get to eventually. Maybe in, like, five years. :D

  9. November 15, 2009 3:01 pm

    I had the same reaction to Her Fearful Symmetry. It was beautifully written and not good. I enjoyed the beginning and the set-up, but once it turned to romance I was done. I finished it, but I didn’t enjoy it.

  10. November 15, 2009 3:19 pm

    I’m jealous you have snow. We’re supposed to up here in SK, Canada but none yet.

    I turn to light fluffy reads when I’m sick, or rereads. David Eddings is such a great reread author :)

  11. November 15, 2009 4:10 pm

    The image of the view outside your window sounds wonderful, Eva. Although, I am not sure I’d like to have to step out into it. I live in Southern California for a reason. :-)

    I enjoyed reading about your featured books today. Still Life is one I really want to read one of these days. A Dark Dividing sounds really good. It sounds creepy!

    I hope you have a great week, Eva!

  12. November 15, 2009 5:10 pm

    I’ve had Sarah Rayne’s book Roots of Evil on my shelf for a couple of years. Now that both you and Litlove have endorsed her writing, I really must get to it. I also have The Belgariad, which I’ve been meaning to read for years. (You can see why I’m thinking of sticking to my own shelves next year.)

    I totally agree with your suggestions for a first Sayers. I’d add Clouds of Witness as another possibility, but Strong Poison and Murder Must Advertise are the two I tend to suggest. I believe Five Red Herrings is the only one of her mysteries I haven’t read. Have you read the Documents in the Case? It’s not a Wimsey mystery, but I liked it.

  13. November 15, 2009 5:18 pm

    The hazard in such a post is that I think of all these great things to comment and forget by the time I click on OPEN-DIALOG-BOX. But still, I’ll try. You’ve sold me completely on A Secret for Julia by Patricia Sagastizabal. I love the term “emotional immediacy’. I’m so glad I don’t have to feel any pressure to read North and South (and I love the crazy concept of how to read a book when you’ve already seen movie) and… I forget. OH! I do love your ability – your TALENT at writing about what you read. Takes my breath away. :) Great post.
    and you’ve reminded me that I really should look at my challenges to finish the year and what I ‘should’ read next. Me and long time frame challenges don’t get along.

  14. November 15, 2009 5:52 pm

    When I’m sick I am more likely to read non-fiction or watch a movie. I need to be more focused to read fiction and I don’t do that well if I am sick. You certainly have been reading up a storm…as usual!

  15. November 15, 2009 7:21 pm

    and I agree with you 95% on The Restless Sleep. since this was my first Horn read. I get ya.

  16. November 15, 2009 7:56 pm

    I’ve been planning on reading something by Sayers (I even had the 1st one checked out from the library) but I haven’t yet. It does sound like a good mystery series so I’ll get there eventually. A Dark Dividing sounds really, really good so I’m gonna have to check that one out. Enjoy the snow!

  17. Susan in TX permalink
    November 15, 2009 7:59 pm

    I just discovered your blog a week or so ago, and I’m loving all your book reviews! When I don’t feel good, I reach for Miss Read (I like to refer to these as “Mitford with an edge”) or pick up a mystery from Josephine Tey or Rex Stout. I recently started working on the Master and Commander series by Patrick O’Brian and they satisfy the part of me that loves Horatio Hornblower.

    I was interested to see your review of North and South – I recently watched Wives and Daughters, North and South and Cranford and I haven’t read any of them (breaking one of my cardinal rules of “no movie before book”) so I’ll read forewarned.

    Hope you are feeling better!

  18. November 16, 2009 12:48 am

    I have North And South with me since a long time. I will give it a try and see what I feel. Haven’t seen the mini series so I guess I won’t have any expectations.

    Hope u feeling better..

  19. November 16, 2009 8:29 am

    I agree…the cover of A Dark Dividing is so deliciously creepy! And it sounds like the book is every bit as good. And Where We Once Belonged sounds impossible to resist as well!

  20. November 16, 2009 10:05 am

    Wow! The cover of A Dark Dividing is great. Creepy and weird, but great! There seem to be a lot of twins popping up in my reading these days (read The Thirteenth Tale right now). Her Fearful Symmetry should be coming into the library for me soon, and I’m going to give it a try, though I’m skeptical that it can live up to TTW at this point.

  21. November 16, 2009 11:29 am

    Cat, isn’t it a great series? I live in the mountains, so the weather shifts a lot-I bet it’ll be in the 50s in the next few days. :)

    Zee, I had no idea there were so many other Belgariad fans in book blogging!

    BermudaOnion, lol-I love the snow, so it doesn’t bother me. :D HFS is a pretty quick read for its length, if that helps.

    Trisha, that’s neat about your comfort reads!

    Fidelius, we should start a fan club. :D

    Amanda, this reader is really good! I’ve never tried Librivox, because I can’t imagine an amateur reading would be all that good.

    HistoryofShe, yeah-Time Traveller’s Wife was much better!

    NomadReader, I’m glad you agree with me. :)

    Bella, I think this is our fourth or fifth snowfall. But then in between the snow, it warms back up. The mountains amuse me!

    Literary Feline, lol! I lived in south Texas for a long time, so I get that. I like winter weather, though-the clothes are so much fun. :)

    Teresa, I’m jealous! I want more of Rayne’s books right now! :p I’m curious what you’ll think of the Belgariad as a first-time reader. I haven’t read Documents in the Case-I’ll definitely try it. Have you read the Wimsey short stories? I read them all last year, and there are some ADORABLE ones that tell you more about how Wimsey’s life turns out. ;)

    Care, lol! I usually write my comments in Notepad as I read a blog. :) But thanks so much for the compliment-that means a lot. :D I’m glad you agree mainly with me on Restless Sleep too. :)

    Kathleen, that’s interesting! I have been watching lots of TV on DVD as well. :)

    Samantha, do try Wimsey eventually! And I hope you enjoy A Dark Dividing. :)

    Susan, thank you so much! I haven’t read any Tey books, but I recently read a mystery featuring her that made me want to try out her actual writing. Did that make sense? lol I too love Horatio…I tried the first Master and Commander book and got bored after 30 or so pages. I watched Wives & Daughters too and haven’t read the book-I’m not sur eif I will since Gaskell died before writing an ending. Cranford the adaptation is quite different from Cranford the book, since they added two other novellas to it. :)

    DocShona, I’ll be curious what you think of it w/o the miniseries to taint your views!

    Debi, isn’t it marvelous? Where We Once Belonged is a quick read. :)

    Andi, I know-I read A Dark Dividing and then HFS a couple weeks later!

    • November 16, 2009 7:54 pm

      Eva, I think I’ve read most of the stories. I have Lord Peter Views the Body, and I read at least one other collection from the library—that might have even been an omnibus. It’s been a while so I’m fuzzy on details.

  22. November 16, 2009 12:36 pm

    I’m opposite you: I found Cranford the book boring and loved the adaptation far more (it had that romance in it)! I do think I’d like the book more after having watched the adaptation. And I LOVED North and South and while I’m only half through watching the adaptation, I much prefer the book.

    What I liked about N&S was that the people were real. You say there were more judgmental and yes, they were, but that is why I liked them: I felt Gaskell didn’t hold anything back and instead created characters more like a real person than like a character.

  23. November 16, 2009 1:47 pm

    Hmm, North and South was going to be my Christmas vacation from work book, but now I’m worried about that. I haven’t seen the BBC adaptation of it, though. (The four BBC things that I have deliberately avoided despite how much I want to watch them because I want to read the book first are: North and South, Cranford, Bleak House, and Little Dorritt.) Think how much good TV I’ll be able to watch once I read all those books….

    Thanks for the Dorothy Sayers recs for newbies! I’ve always kind of wondered which of her books I should read first!

  24. November 16, 2009 3:20 pm

    I’m so sorry to hear you didn’t enjoy Penny that much. I really did like the book. I think what I liked was the setting. Apparently I managed to overlook those things you mentioned (they would usually annoy me).

    I am really looking forward to reading the David Eddings series. Seems like everyone I know has read him, but I haven’t.

    When I’m sick I really like to read mysteries. I have some favorite comfort reads like Sayers, Christie, etc. I so love Miss Marple too! I still remember watching the PBS Miss Marple’s with Joan Hickson as Miss Marple (from the 80s I think) and Miss Marple tells someone who is worried about her involvement in helping to solve a crime by responding that “no one pays attention to a little old lately knitting and they’ll say almost anything in front of her since she is of no consequence” (my paraphrase). I want to be Miss Marple when I get old!

  25. November 17, 2009 8:48 am

    I wanted so much to enjoy the Louise Penny books. She has a blog and seems like such a nice person. I loved the setting because I don’t think there are any other books in that locale. But I just can’t read the books. So you aren’t alone. :<)

  26. November 17, 2009 3:44 pm

    I am so so glad you enjoyed the Sarah Rayne. And I was delighted to note that A Dark Dividing is one of the other books of hers I’ve got – so hurray! I can look forward to that one. I would have commented a lot sooner on this post myself if I hadn’t been poorly (and am still not exactly wonderful yet), and so I can say for a fact that when I’m ill I really appreciate books in which nothing too awful happens to people. The only exception is golden age crime, which I love, and in which the awful stuff happens swiftly to people who deserved to die anyway! :)

  27. November 18, 2009 1:13 am

    I am about halfway through Her Fearful Symmetry right now and I agree with you…I finished tttw in 2 days and this book, while interesting, does not motivate me to do the same. I have been reading it for a month.

    Regarding North and South, I read it last spring for a lit class and I felt that the characters were shallow and annoying. I haven’t read anything else by Gaskell though and by the sound of it, maybe I should give her a second chance.

    A Dark Dividing sounds cool!

  28. November 18, 2009 10:18 am

    *lalala, I can’t hear you say the word ‘snow’ lalala*

  29. November 20, 2009 12:26 pm

    Rebecca, that’s so funny. :) I get how the N&S characters were maybe more realistic, but they all just seemed to have more flaws than virtues. And I didn’t like how her poor friends were portrayed.

    Maire, I think you’ll be fine if you haven’t seen the adaptation! Remember, if you want to read the books before watching Cranford that two other novellas were folded into the adaptation. I watched Bleak House earlier this year, because I’m not a Dickens fan, and I thought it was interesting but a bit too dark for my tastes. Definitely read some Sayers soon!

    Terri, that makes sense-the setting was neat. I love mysteries when I’m sick too. :D And I totally want to be Miss Marple later in life! Have you seen the most recent PBS adaptations? I really loved them.

    Nan, I’m so glad I’m not the only one.

    Litlove, don’t worry about commenting a bit late-I hope you’re feeling much better by now. ;) Totally with you on comfort reads!

    Amy, I’m glad you agree with me! lol

    Jen, LOL

  30. February 23, 2010 3:12 pm

    I just read your review on Her Fearful Symmetry and was so glad you thought the same way I did. I have read so many reviews that said it was the best book they have read, and I was beginning to feel as though I had missed something. Glad to finally get an honest review! Thanks.


  1. December Challenge Wrap-Ups « A Striped Armchair
  2. Travel by Books: 2009 Wrap-Up « A Striped Armchair
  3. Indigenous Oceanic Authors « Diversify Your Reading
  4. Pacific Island Authors « Diversify Your Reading
  5. Ooooh Canada « A Striped Armchair
  6. Inter-War Books: Cold Comfort Farm, Better than Beauty, and The Pursuit of Love « A Striped Armchair
  7. Readers Imbibing Peril V « A Striped Armchair
  8. A Dark Dividing by Sarah Rayne « A Good Stopping Point

Thank you for commenting! For a long while, my health precluded me replying to everyone. Yet I missed the conversation, so I'm now making an effort to reply again. It might take a few days though, and there will be times when I simply can't. Regardless, I always read and value what you say.